EZ Skid System


EZ Skid System – How Water on Demand

The EZ Skid™ is an integrated, compact pre-engineered heating system, utilizing the direct steam injection EZ Heater®. All components needed for correct application are included; simply connect to plant utilities: steam, water, air and power.

  • Available in 5 standard sizes with ratings to 1,350 GPM [306 m /hr]
  • Highly compact to meet space constraints.
  • Pre-designed and partially stocked for short lead time.


Hydro-Thermal proprietary SMART Controller is designed to respond to a wide range of flow conditions with a high degree of accuracy. The controller is designed as a dedicated control for the EZ Skid, with some plant interface possible. Accuracy of temperature control depends on flow turndown and flow rate variation. Highly variable or rapidly changing flows require a recirculation pump and fast-response features. Hydro-Thermal can recommend the most cost-effective controls for your application.


  • The EZ Skid can be provided with an integral recirculation pump, designed to handle high turndown or rapidly varying flow rates. The pumps can also be provided for plant recirculation, to maintain the water piping system at design temperature.
    • Pumps are industrial-class, stainless steel casings with stainless steel internals rated for the system temperatures and application. Pump design flow and head dependent on application.
  • Fast-response features might require a recirculation pump.
  • Back-pressure valve for closed loop applications can be integrally mounted.
  • Special materials or components available upon request, but will extend lead time.

Our specialists will help you find a suitable solution.